Happy belated New Years?
It's time for Groovin' Thursdays (but actually Groovin' early Sunday!)
An oldie but goodie! Most of the time I have no idea what they are saying, but doesn't the tune just brighten up your day?
Something I made in January...

This was my insert head cutout for our first ever Mr. CKI male beauty pageant! We watched our very own male members dance without shame, perform their own talent act, and answer very "tough" questions! All money went to charity (UNICEF and DSSLP). Guest could come and write whatever sayings they want in the black quote bubble thing (I'm not sure what to call it). The board also comes with an eraser and different colored chalks attached to the back.
Who wouldn't want six pack abs, a perfect body, and some itty bitty shiny gold shorts?
As the famous American General Douglas MacArthur said to the Filipinos during World War II, "I SHALL RETURN!"
(oh! thanks Tommy for the photo!)