I haven't posted one in a long while...but it's that time again for some...
*thump thump BAMMMM*
... "What I Wore (an Illustrative Guide)!"
(And this time no piece of head coming off, no brain showing, no leg or eye detachments. No zombifications of any sort...that only means the next one is double the bloodier and double the detachments and double the awesomeness ;D )

huge awesome blue flowered headband- forever21 $5
denim blouse- borrowed from mom
grey cotton skirt- target $10
leather bag- savers (thrift store) $10
white sneakers- target $7
grey tights- old navy $5
Say WHAT!?!?!?! It's also that time again...GROOOVIN' THURSDAY!!! (play along... I missed it by 2 hours :D )
Such a cool dude! I remember hearing "Geek in the Pink" in high school and it is still my all time favorite Jason Mraz song! It's silly and says "who cares what others think!" And yes! Pink is the color of bold!
Well that's all folks! until we meet again... *POOF* :D